• Question: What’s your dream job

    Asked by nest440jaw on 20 Oct 2021.
    • Photo: Yige Sun

      Yige Sun answered on 16 Oct 2021:

      I think it is the job that I am doing now. I like what I am doing.

    • Photo: Sophia Constantinou

      Sophia Constantinou answered on 17 Oct 2021:

      I love my job in science communication right now but one day I’d like to present science TV programmes!

    • Photo: Michael Hills

      Michael Hills answered on 18 Oct 2021:

      I left university and hoped to get a job which was close to what I wanted to do so I could move over later. But it turns out I got the dream job immediately!

    • Photo: Ferran Brosa Planella

      Ferran Brosa Planella answered on 18 Oct 2021:

      I do really like my current job: I get to explore new things, work with many people from over the world and (before Covid) got to travel to other places to meet those scientists.

    • Photo: Beatrice Browning

      Beatrice Browning answered on 20 Oct 2021:

      My dream job is to be a baker. I love baking and owning a cafe would be AWESOME

    • Photo: Rohin Titmarsh

      Rohin Titmarsh answered on 21 Oct 2021:

      Not to be cliché but it’s this one! I love the freedom, the opportunity to do real research, the exciting things we get to do and the outcomes of our investigation always lead to new and exciting things. Another great thing are the opportunities to spread the word about the work we do, either through the papers we publish at conferences around the world which we get to travel to, or through STEM activities like this.
